Our Coaching Philosophy

In this space, you won’t find rainbows, daisies, or the flow of positive affirmations.
Instead, the focus is on you taking charge of change in your life. I listen deeply and I support you.
Only working with people who want a different outcome, I keep you accountable.
Together we make happen what truly matters to you.

Where it all began . . .

“Like most of us, I was trapped on the hamster wheel of life’s circumstances.

Putting myself under enormous pressure from a culture that celebrates perfection. Success and working hard. Getting it right but not asking for help. And constant happiness all the time.

I was completely exhausted from always trying to be everything, to everyone.

At this lowest point, I stopped and asked “What’s most important here?”

  • There was this disconnect between what I was doing and what felt right for me.
  • There was this pressure that didn’t allow me to be myself.
  • There was this sense of not knowing who I was anymore.

I believe the longer you live, the more wisdom and lived experience you stockpile.

Now, I realise – success for me is being able to understand and listen to myself above the external noise. 

Now, I know who I am.

I make decisions with confidence about what I want AND I know I can handle anything life throws at me.

I’m finally living a life I value.

With this lived experience coupled with my mindset and life coach training, I’m your ‘go-to’ key resource in cultivating your growth.

Beth Clayton – Founder

We support you in getting from where you are now to where you want to be

Understanding your needs are truly unique, we offer personalised solutions for you and your key staff.


  • Clarify what matters to you
  • Make conscious decisions
  • Set appropriate boundaries


  • Prioritise your time and energy
  • Turn procrastination to motivation
  • Replace anxiety with courage


  • Know your worth
  • Build self-belief and confidence
  • Get it done

It’s all about YOU! Because we all have unique experiences and circumstances.

Tailored Coaching specific to you.

  • Private one-on-one Zoom or in person sessions
  • Regular weekly appointments moving to fortnightly, monthly or as required
  • Initially 50-minute duration graduating to 25-minute check-ins
  • Access to relevant Resources, Tools and Prompts

With coaching there are no right or wrong answers. I work alongside you, figuring out areas to apply tools in different situations. Ultimately delivering to your highest capability.