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Tackling low self-confidence

Put simply, your confidence will be impacted by your opinion of yourself. People with healthy self-esteem like themselves, and value their achievements. People with low self-esteem are tough on themselves and downplay their achievements.

Do you notice any of the following?
– I’m critical of myself
– I downplay my positive attributes
– I’m not as good as my peers
– I use negative words to describe myself
– I assume that luck plays a large role in my achievements
– I blame myself when things go wrong (even when there are factors out of my control)
– I don’t believe people that compliment me are genuine

If you’ve answered yes to one or more of these signs, chances are you may have low self-confidence.

The great news is, that with practice, you can build more confidence.


1. Challenge bad thoughts about yourself. How accurate are these thoughts? Focus your brain to begin noticing the things you’re good at.
2. Celebrate these things by writing them down. Place it somewhere you can see it and keep adding to it.
3. Catch yourself each time you go past a mirror, look yourself in the eye, smile and say “Hi. I love you” (heaps of people find this really hard)
4. Set mini goals each day – creating a “To-Do” list and ticking things off, builds the evidence of what you can achieve. This evidence begins to form the belief that you’re capable of achieving something in the future.
5. Back yourself. This is about you, not others.

Building confidence is about believing in your determination and drive. True confidence comes when you believe you can do hard things and succeed.

If you need a helping hand to steer you in the right direction – we’d love to hear from you!