Communication is the bridge that connects us

Connection is crucial to growth in relationships with your partner, your kids, friends, colleagues, teammates and the world!

We can feel frustrated when our thoughts or emotions don’t feel valued or heard.

Everyone communicates differently. Misunderstandings, confusion, stuff ups or even conflict may occur. We withdraw. We disconnect. We worry about what other people think. We fear their judgment. And our own. We have expectations around how they should behave. What they should be doing. What we should be doing.

For all my people who get frustrated, annoyed, or don’t trust others. If you feel disconnected when you want more, ignored, or not respected, this program is for you.

When you think it’s all their fault, it only takes one person to make a shift. You can be the courageous one to deepen the growth of connection.

Connection is a skill that grows curiosity, tolerance, understanding, appreciation and the art of apology.



Upcoming 2024 Course Dates:

Connection Program Start Date:

19th August (10 private sessions)


Contact us to find out more or apply now! 

  • 1 x weekly 50-min session over 12-week period
  • Individual Coaching – in person or via Zoom
  • Over 50 prompts to take your learning deeper
  • Resources for further interest
  • Tools to simplify and implement new techniques
  • Complimentary Program Support Pack
  • This program may be tax deductible depending on your industry – check with your financial advisor

Taking over my father’s business has brought new and diverse challenges for me as a leader. I engaged Beth to upskill me in how to communicate better. I found it incredibly helpful with transitioning between the way things used to be run and how I’m wanting to run my team today. Implementing fresh perspective and new ideas to the business are simpler and more streamlined, through my improved communication. Thanks Beth.

Ryan L

Take a look at our other services

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