Find the Balance to live a life you value

Create space for what truly matters to you by reprioritising your Balance.

Watch your confidence grow when you make intentional choices.

You’ll finally start living the life you value.




When those spinning plates are about to come crashing down, it’s time for a re-set.

The Balance Growth Program is for all my people who can’t say ‘no’. Are too busy. Stressed. Overwhelmed. Never have enough time. People who are stuck, frustrated, frazzled, feel taken for granted.

Who are confused, indecisive and unable to prioritise. Tired, exhausted, burnt out. Over it. In short, most of us!

Learn the art of saying NO, without the guilt! Acquire the skills and tools to make decisions, evaluate priorities and set boundaries.

Balance Growth is an intensive program that will take you out of your daily grind. Stress and exhaustion will be limited, and resentment reduced. You’ll be back on the path to the life you imagined, where your time is respected, and you are seen.

Experience the freedom to live life on your own terms.



Upcoming 2024 Course Dates:

Balance Program Start Date:

7th October (8 private sessions)


Contact us to find out more or apply now! 

  •  1 x weekly 50-min session over 10-week period
  • Individual Coaching – in person or via Zoom
  • Over 50 prompts to take your learning deeper
  • Resources for further interest
  • Tools to simplify and implement new techniques
  • Complimentary Program Support Pack
  • This program may be tax deductible depending on your industry – check with your financial advisor

I’ve never done something like this before. I’ve never invested in coaching, but I would say just definitely do it. I’ve gained more than I thought. When I came to you about having a better work/life balance I didn’t realise the profound ongoing effect. I have more mental and physical energy. I found it easy to think in a different way and better understand myself. It’s more of an internal shift. I never thought at any point I’m not getting what I paid for. You’re very warm and non-judgemental and you worked with me on things that mattered to me.

Jess A

Take a look at our other services

for Private Coaching


for Workplace


for Resilience


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