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Recharging this Winter

As winter sets in, many of us grumble about the cold, crave a few extra minutes in bed, and are astonished as the daylight fades faster. Instead of pushing through, why not embrace the season’s natural slowdown?

Taking a break from life’s hustle and bustle helps preserve our energy and promotes self-comfort. Winter is a time to slow down, consolidate, and honour our body’s need for rest. Feeling a bit more tired is part of the natural cycle, encouraging us to go within, rest, and rejuvenate our spirits. This seasonal pause not only refreshes us now but also equips us with lasting benefits for the year ahead.

Shifting your mindset to embrace slowing down can transform your winter experience. Recognize that rest is productive and necessary for long-term well-being. Accept that it’s okay to do less and focus on self-care. Cultivate gratitude for the quieter moments, seeing them as opportunities for reflection and growth. Reframe your thoughts: instead of feeling guilty for relaxing, appreciate the value of recharging. Practice self-compassion by being gentle with yourself, acknowledging that winter is a natural time for inward focus and renewal. Embracing a slower pace helps build resilience, clarity, and a deeper connection to yourself, enriching your life throughout the year.

Embrace winter’s slower pace with these simple tips:

  • Start by prioritising rest: enjoy extra sleep and relax without guilt.
  • Create cosy routines, like reading by the fire or enjoying warm baths.
  • Simplify your schedule and avoid over-committing.
  • Limit social engagements and give yourself permission to say no, focusing instead on quality time with loved ones.
  • Practice mindfulness through meditation, gentle yoga or journaling to connect with your inner self.
  • Engage in activities that soothe your soul, such as walking, baking or listening to music.

Dive deeper into a winter break by checking out some of these resources I’ve found useful…

Book Recommendation –
“Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life”

This beautiful wee Best Seller shows you how to leave urgency behind, find your purpose, nurture friendships and throw yourself into your passions. It helps you reflect what it is you truly want.

Learn More




Podcast Recommendation –

I’m probably always going to be recommending something from ‘The Imperfects’ podcast but grab a quick listen to this one on 1.5 speed.

In this episode, UK author Oliver Burkeman tells us how to focus on the things that REALLY matter, rather than filling our time with the not-so-important things. Embrace your limitations and accept all the things you simply don’t have time to do – no matter how much you think you want to do them.

Listen Now



Social Media – who to follow

Positive Psychology’s post on Instagram is self-care on a time crunch.

“The reality is that we don’t always have an hour in our day to dedicate to a self-care regime. This is why we have devised a list of quick (yet effective) ways to practice self-care. As you can see, self-care can be as effortless as a power nap or having a cozy drink.”

Follow on Instagram


Remember, slowing down is about nurturing you and setting a positive tone for the remainder of the year.