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New 2024 Course Dates Announced

We have the following focused programs starting very soon. If you’d like more in-depth information or to discuss which program may be best suited to you and your goals, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via the contact form, and I’ll call you to chat further.

Let’s Chat 


Connection Program Start Date: 19th August (10 private sessions)

Balance Program Start Date: 7th October (8 private sessions)

Each Program includes:

  • 1 x  weekly 50-min session over the course period
  • Individual Coaching – in person or via Zoom
  • Over 50 prompts to take your learning deeper
  • Resources for further interest
  • Tools to simplify and implement new techniques
  • Complimentary Program Support Pack

Programs may be tax deductible depending on your industry – check with your financial advisor

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