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How can you get better at taking risks, without the anxiety?

The majority of us have a tough time dealing with the uncertainty that goes along with taking risks. “What if I embarrass myself?”, “What if I’m not good enough?” This feeling of unease grows out of not knowing the outcome and the fear of potential failure. Our brains are wired to convince us to play it safe, and we often base our decisions on fear rather than logic. We need to remember, that not all risks are bad.

Here are 5 steps to help you take smarter risks:

  1. Set up a system to assess risk – look at the positives and negatives side by side and consciously evaluate the risk.
  2. Acknowledge your fear of failure – What is the worst-case scenario? Your brain loves certainty, so turn the likelihood of failure into a percentage. Increase the facts, decrease the drama.
  3. Take steps to increase your chances of success – Focus your thinking on positive outcomes and the upside of change. The greatest chance of success is the belief you can do it. Back yourself.
  4. Seek inspiration or advice from others who have taken similar risks. This can be your guidance and motivation.
  5. Gather all the information and knowledge you possibly can about your risk. Navigate and problem-solve around potential barriers that may hinder your success.

Taking risks is a great way to build a stronger mindset. Doing scary, uncomfortable things and pushing through your uncertainty, brings the confidence for you to keep ‘having a go’. It also provides you with the opportunity to sharpen your skills and learn from your mistakes.

If you’ve always wanted to be a better risk taker but get anxious thinking about it – reach out to discuss a coaching program individually tailored for you.